应用案例(Application):Medical products
颜色(Color):透明 Transparent
平均壁厚(Wall Thickness):1.3mm
系统(System Type):S-RHEO 18 VV
热咀点数(Nozzle Qty):32
It is the medical product, we are strict with this product.Burring can not exist at the injection gate.No mixing and ensure the specific gravity balance of the product.The quantity of this kind of product is large and needs to guarantee the service life of the mould.
Per the requirements of the product,we choose the cylinder which can adjust the valve pin.Special design for the nozzle tip.Elimination of burring of the injection gate.At he same time,it solved the problem that the valve pin lay down the pressure in the gate and prevent the deformation of the gate, it also improve the mould life efficiently.
Cu-heater is applied in the nozzle and temperature equilibrium; According to the analysis results, the flow channel adopts a balanced design with less materials been hidden and less pressure.At the same time, the shape is minimized and less temperature loss,so that ensure the overall flow channel temperature balanced.
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